Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Sleepy Hitman

So I have been pretty busy the past three weeks and haven't been talking the bus (which actually isn't a bus at all but a 12 passenger chinese van) to school in the morning, Mondays and Tuesdays my classes don't start until 10:40 so it gives me some time to sleep then just take a taxi to school. With all the show lessons and stuff going on these past weeks the Driver whose english name is "Don" has probably all but forgotten me ...

... But it seems of late i've been getting back into the daily routine of taking the free morning ride to the school which leaves at 7:30 in the morning. But don't let the title of this post fool you even though I'm damn sleepy in the morning the title does not pretain to me at all, but to our esteemed bus driver "Don"...

... Don must navigate through the worst traffic I have ever seen in my life, daily, with his precious cargo of foreign teachers. He must travel through 3 schools in the morning dodgeing people, bikes and speeding cement trucks bent on getting their cargo to the job site as fast as possible...

... Don has developed a little problem, which I will speculate on a little bit later, the problem is that Don can't seem to wake up in the morning. He is driving us to work and his eyes blink and an close slowly as we roll down the road, and his head wavers from side to side. Even at stop lights he cathes a few Z's and sometimes we have to wake him up. Scary no ...

... So what is Don doing to be so damn tierd in the morning. I've come up with 3 options ranging from the probableto the maybe inprobable. 1) Don just has a hard time getting up and or falling alseep at night and some simple medication would probably help him. 2) Don is up all night drinking chinese rice wine and gambling playing Ma Zhong (mah-jong). 3) Don is a hit man of some sorts for the chinese mafia and has a night life of things we couldn't imagine...

... If the problem doesn't get better, I have a great canadian solution for Don. I'll brew up some of Canada's finest coffee (Tim Horton's) and make him a cup everymorning, that should wake him up. And if that doesn't work I have another canadian solution, a swift, cold and swooping right hook to his jaw will do the trick...

- Matt (NOV/30/06)


mary ryerson said...

I left my comment under your first welcome installment. I'm still trying to get this blog thing down. If your interested look there.

Tish said...

Well I found the blog and I'll be adding a link to my own. Love the posts, entertaining as only you could be and I hope you keep up the good work. Looking forward to reading more.