Friday, November 24, 2006


Welcome to my newly formed blog. I made it so I can better interact with everyone. Also I hate writing emails, this way you can leave me comments and let me know what you think and also tell me whats going on where ever you are in the world. I can't promise top notch reporting on hard hitting issues but I can let you all know about how life works here. It will take me some time to figure out this whole program but im sure soon enough i'll be master of this domain and have pictures and all sorts of fun stuff. So without further adu, here it is ...


mary ryerson said...

Your dad and I just read the first entry into your blog. I am responding because your Dad is still laughing his head off. This Blog idea is an excellent one as you sadly neglect those that love you who have sacrificed our whole lives to raise you... I digress. I can't wait until your next installment. We are so proud of you and the skills you are developing. Keep up the good work. You are much loved.

valeda dockstader said...

What a great idea we look forward to more and enjoy hearing about your amazing adventure! You have made us all proud...A teacher!!who knew.

mary ryerson said...

Oh Great! With all a mother has to worry about with her son living in a foreign country - my son is being driven around by a sleep deprived drunken gambler named Don who is a hitman for the Chinese Mafia! Maybe you could try belting out a resounding rendition of "oh Canada" each morning. That should wake him up otherwise I am just going to have to have a talk with Don when I get to China in February and give him a piece of my mind ...... and if you never see me again, you'll know the hitman theory was the correct one.

Barb and George Nesbitt said...

Merry Christmas! We enjoyed reading your blog. It looks like you are having fun. Grandma N says "hi" as she is spending Christmas with us. We are all so proud of you. Also, good luck sightseeing with your mom. Love from all of us.